1. Mr. Johnson has worked for this company SINCE 1980.
2. Kata hasn't caten anything FOR six hours.
3. Peter has read eleven books SINCE
last weekend.
4. Jason and Clara have been friends FOR more than 10 years.
5. I haven't seen my uncle Thomas FOR
a long time!
6. They haven't come together SINCE
they graduated from the university.
7. Cindy has driven her car FOR only five months.
8. Wo haven't seen Mr.Parker SINCE this morning.
9. David hasn't telephoned, SINCE he left school at three oclock.
10. The singer has sung seven songs SINCE the concert began.
11. Harry isn't an experienced accountant. He has worked here in
this company FOR a short time.
12. Steven has been an English teacher FOR a decade.
13. I haven't been to London SINCE last spring
14. This factory has produced cars and lorries FOR about a century.
15. I miss my friend Jane very much We haven't seen ench other FOR ages.
16. Terosa hasn't taken her car to the mechanic SINCE bought it last April.
17. Today is Monday. So my mother has stayed in the hospital FOR about twelve days.
Образование времен в английском языке подчинено строгим правилам грамматики. Здесь важно соблюдать порядок слов и согласование времен. Для каждой жизненной ситуации выбирается определенная временная конструкция.
В английском на форму глагола не влияет род, поэтому, например, во фразах «Он сказал» и «Она сказала» различаться будут только местоимения, а глагол (the verb) не изменится и будет звучать как said. Но это слабое утешение для тех, кто решил стать профи в English. Ведь освоить вам придется 12 времен. А о том, что это за временные формы, как они образуются, и, собственно, для чего нужно научиться оперировать этим самым временем, мы и поговорим ниже.
4. Where are
5. Is he
6. It is
7. I am
8. Which color is your umbrella
9 is it
10. Are you
11. How much are