My family and I are doing everything possible to lead a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we get a beautiful, well-groomed body and a clean mind. It is also important to engage in various sports, do exercises. It is very important to observe the regime of the day, go to bed on time, because your mood the next day depends on it. You must eat right, eat more fruits and vegetables. It is useful to walk more in the fresh air, ride a bike and walk a lot. It’s not good to sit at the computer for a long time and watch TV. A healthy lifestyle makes a person happier and more fun. When you are healthy, no depression threatens you. Therefore, you should try to develop healthy habits.
Я провожу свободное время на тренировках. Обычно я хожу на стадион, который находится недалеко от центрального парка. Мне нравится спорт, я чувствую, что становлюсь сильнее и здоровее. Это часто утомляет, но воодушевляет.
Я не хожу туда один. Пара девочек из нашей школы ходят на тренировки вместе со мной, а также несколько человек с другого конца города. Здорово, что я смог завести там новых друзей.
На тренировках мы бегаем, прыгаем, выполняем различные упражнения. Я очень рад, что могу ходить туда, я не хочу останавливаться.
I spend my free time on training. Usually I go to the stadion, which is located near the central park. I like sports, I feel that I'm becoming stronger and healthier. This is often tiring, but uplifting.
I do not go there alone. A couple of girls from our school are go to taining with me, as well as several people from the other end of the city. It’s great that I was able to make new friends there.
In training, we run, jump, perform various exercises. I am very glad that I can be there, I don't want to stop.