Нельзя переходить дорогу в наушниках и в капюшоне. Нельзя толкать пальцы в мясорубку. Нельзя забираться на крыши высоких зданий, чтобы не упасть. Нельзя переходить дорогу на красный свет. Читай срок годности на упаковке в магазине, чтобы не отравиться просроченной едой.
It`s impossible to cross the road with headphones in the hood. You shouldn`t poke your fingers in a meat grinder. It`s impossible to climb on the roofs of high buildings, so as not fall. It`s impossible to cross the road at a red light. Read the expiration date on the package to not be poisonous expired food.
I 1) (have been) on this island for six months now. It is a miracle that I 2) (have survived) for this long. I 3) (have been eating) fish and fruit since I got here. Fortunately, I 4) (have not seen) any dangerous animals yet. When I arrived here the weather was fine, but it 5) (has been raining) continuously for the past twoweeks, so I 6) (have built) a shelter out of sticks and leaves, which is reallyquite cosy. My main problem is loneliness, as I 7) (have not spoken) to anyone for so long. Recently I 8) (have been talking) to myself, but it isn’t very interesting.
angry - kind
open - close
fat - thin
put - take