Рассмотрим детальнее предложения с прямой речью. Примеры подобных конструкций могут выглядеть следующим образом: Иван сказал: «Давайте быстро уберём класс и пойдём в парк!» «Сегодня на улице тепло, - заметила Анна. – Кажется, весна окончательно вступила в свои права». «Желаете выпить чаю?» - спросил гостей Даниил. Теперь попробуем переформулировать эти же предложения таким образом, чтобы вместо прямой речи в них использовалась косвенная: Иван предложил побыстрее закончить уборку в классе и отправиться в парк. Анна отметила, что на улице стало необычайно тепло и весна окончательно вступила в свои права. Даниил спросил у гостей, желают ли те выпить чаю.
Frankly speaking, Christmas is one of my favourite winter holidays! This year I spent it with my family. My brother was responsible for adornments. My sister was asked to find a great venue. And I was expected to find some new recipes for the unique Christmas dishes. So I started to look for some unusual ideas related to the Christmas celebration. However, it was not so simple as it seemed at first. I must admit, that I got really confused while trying to make it come true. As a result, I had no ideas about Christmas menu at the morning of Christmas Day. Therefore, my mum got completely cross with me! Fortunately, I remembered about my classmade Nick, who was really good at cooking and learning foreign national dishes. He helped me with the Christmas preparation and tought all the unique resepies of some tasty dishes.Another part of the day I spent with my family. The venue and adornments were really inconceivable! We enjoied playing games, watcching TV and telling Christmas stories. All the family approved the Christmas venue, I was so pleased! That certainly was the best Christmas celebration ever:)
1 The singing of this song pleased everyone 2 sitting near the window he was smoking 3 smoking is harmful to health 4 this article was written by the student 5 lying on the coach he was reading a book 6 the text will have been translated by 5 o' clock 7 the letter have already been written 8 every day many magazines and newspapers are printed 9 this opera was written 100 years ago 10 have the books been brought from the library? 11 the translation of this text was difficult for me 12 working at garden is useful for health 13 the young man sitting near the window is my brother 14 this story was discussed at the literature lesson a week ago 15 this article will have been published by 3 o'clock tomorrow 16 the director has already been sent for 17 this text is often translated at the lessons 18 I think of going to the seaside in summer 19 will I be invited to your evening party? 20 this issue is still being discussed at the meeting