Дино в свой выходной день решил гулять по парку но тут он встретил своего друга его зовут сэм он шел со своей подругой катей мы собрались пойти в магазин за ингредиентами для торта мы договорились с каждого 100 рублей мы упили все продукты и пришли домой. Мы начали готовить торт его мы приготовили 3-х слойный и мы доверили сэму нести торт на вечеринку мы вышли и тут сэм уронил торт! Катя и Дино очень растроились ведь они его готовили 2 часа . Они пошли на веччеринку без сэма. Сэм растроился и пошел домой. Дино и катя были уже на вечеринке но их не впустили ведь они забыли у сэма взять приглашения! И тут они пошли к сэму и попросили приглашения но сэм взял приглашения и пошол сам на вечеринку а их приглашения он разорвал но они все ровно пошли и их все таки впустили они попросили прощения у сэма и он все-таки простил их. Dino on his day off decided to walk in the Park but then he met his friend his name is Sam he was going with his girlfriend Katya we were going to go to the store for the ingredients for the cake we agreed with every 100 rubles we drank all the products and came home. We started making the cake it we made a 3 ply and we trusted Sam to carry the cake to the party we went out and then Sam dropped the cake! Katya and Dino were very upset because they cooked it for 2 hours . They went to the party without Sam. Sam got upset and went home. Dino and Katya were already at the party but they were not allowed because they forgot to take Sam's invitation! And then they went to Sam and asked for an invitation but Sam took the invitation and went himself to the party and their invitations he tore but they all went exactly and they still let them in they asked for forgiveness from Sam and he still forgave them.
Вот думаю пойдет)⊆⊇⊄⊅→←∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴↓∴∵∴
A. easyer B. easy C. easer D. easier
22. She doesn't know that you got fired yet. You should tell her the truth before she finds out from someone else.
A. him B. herself C. her D. she
23. We watched these news on television.
A. this, - B. these, - C. this, the D. these, the
24. Three people were in the shop. One was buying fish. The other was looking at newspapers. Others were walking somewhere around looking for even more food.
A. The other, Others B. Another, The others
C. Others, Other D. Others, The others
25. In what direction do you usually hitch-hike? – Western Europe. Join us.
A. our B. us C. we D. ours
26. My car is much cheaper than yours.
A. Me, you B. Mine, yours C. My, yours D. Ours, your
27. How do you finish that task so quickly?
A. How B. Whom C. What D. Who
28. What are you cooking? It smells wonderful!
A. How B. Whom C. What D. Which
29. What are you going to bring the for the potluck dinner?
A. Where B. Whom C. When D. What
30. What team beat Germany to win the championship?
A. Which B. Whose C. When D. What
31. There will be some interesting reports at the conference.
A. is B. are C. to be D. be
32. It is a nice film on TV this evening. It is an American thriller.
A. It, There B. There, It C. It, It D. Where, It
33. There is much soup in my plate.
A. is many B. are much C. is much D. are many
34. There is a book, two pencils and a notebook in my bag.
A. are B. will C. is D. be
35. It is quite difficult to speak English correctly. There are so many rules to remember.
A. There, It B. There, There C. It, There D. These, These
36. It was a reason for his strange behaviour and it was a serious one.
A. There, it B. It, there C. It, it D. There, there
37. A fortnight means 2 weeks.
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
38. I wonder what the world will be at the end of the twenty-first century?
A. twenty one B. twentieth-first
C. the twenty-first D. the twentieth-first
39. Every third person in our company is not satisfied with his salary.
A. three B. the third C. the three D. third
40. 145 millions of people live in the Russian Federation.
A. millions people B. millions of people
C. million of people D. million people