В жизни каждого человека важна дружба и друзья т.к. только друзья могут утешить в трудную минуту в беде, но только если это настоящие друзья!У меня конечно же есть друзья!Я не представляю чтобы человек жил один, без друзей и близких ведь с друзьями можно поговорить обо всем на свете!Им можно доветить свои секреты, ведь когда человек доверяет кому то свои секреты то другой человек воспринимает это как доверие к нему и поэтому люди сближаются и их дружба становится еще крепче!Я знаю очень хорошую поговорку "Не имей 100 рублей а имей 100 друзей" и в этой поговорке заключен глубокий смысл, а точнее что деньги в нашей жизни не важное, а друзья как я уже говорила 1 из самых важнейших частей нашей жизни! In every man's life important friendship and friends because only friends can comfort you in difficult times, to help in trouble, but only if they are truly your friends!I of course have friends!I can not imagine living alone without friends and family because with friends you can talk about everything!They can dovedit their secrets, because when people trust someone with your secrets then the other person takes it as a confidence so people become closer and their friendship becomes even stronger!I know a very good saying "do Not have 100 rubles but have 100 friends" and this saying is profound meaning, but rather that the money in our lives is not important, and friends as I said are 1 of the most important parts of our lives!
1. He said that they would provide that lab 2. The manager said that they had gone to the well the week before 3. Mr.Brown asked Nastia if she would play the guitar 4. I asked how long he/she/it had stayed in Kazan 5. I said who had defended him the day before 6. Nick asked how I/he/she/it expressed that 7. The chief engineer asked who had seen the explosion on that well 8. The head hunter said not to leave the documents there 9. Peter said to inspect the situation 10. I said that they could evaluate that
Новые технологии для улучшения связи? ответ: Для улучшения качества связи оператор life:) внедрил новые технологии. Они дали более высокую скорость передачи данных, безопасные звонки в пограничных регионах, защиту от клонирования, лучшее качество международной связи, одновременную голосовую связь и передачу данных. А еще оператор создал экологическую сеть 4-го поколенияНовые технологии улучшения связи? Английский: To improve the quality of communication operator Life:) has introduced new technologies. They give higher speed data transfer, secure calls in the border regions, protection against cloning, best quality international calls, simultaneous voice and data transmission. And yet the company has created ecological network of the 4th generation
In every man's life important friendship and friends because only friends can comfort you in difficult times, to help in trouble, but only if they are truly your friends!I of course have friends!I can not imagine living alone without friends and family because with friends you can talk about everything!They can dovedit their secrets, because when people trust someone with your secrets then the other person takes it as a confidence so people become closer and their friendship becomes even stronger!I know a very good saying "do Not have 100 rubles but have 100 friends" and this saying is profound meaning, but rather that the money in our lives is not important, and friends as I said are 1 of the most important parts of our lives!