Pros and cons of staying in an apartment:
1)You haven't problem with free and good wi-fi connection in apartment.
2)Location: opting to live in an apartment could give you access to a particular area at a lower price tag than if you chose a house.
3)Security: apartment living often offers a more secure setting, which may include intercom to enter the building, a lock-up garage or even the fact more people are around to keep an eye on the property.
1)Smaller living space: apartments may be smaller than the average house or have little to no private outdoor space. You also may not have access to a clothes line.
2)Privacy and noise :the privacy afforded by apartment living can be less than that of living in a house. Depending on the apartment, you might overhear other tenants or be more visible within your home
3)Parking – parking spaces can be harder to come by in an apartment block, especially if there is no allocated parking, as there is increased competition and particularly for apartment blocks that are centrally located in or near a city where there isn’t an abundance of street parking. This can also pose a challenge for visitors, particularly in areas where permits are required for on-street parking.
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1) Parents and teachers agree that teenagers watch too much TV. — Right.
Аргумент: "Parents and teachers always say that teenagers are 'couch potatoes' and spend all their time in front of stupid TV programmes" (абзац 1)2) Teenagers in Britain usually have a TV in their bedroom. — Doesn't say.
3) Middle-aged people watch more TV than teenagers. — Right.
Аргумент: "For example, middle-aged adults (aged forty-five to sixty-five) watch about five hours a day. But young people aged twelve to seventeen only watch about two and a half hours a day" (абзац 2)4) Pensioners watch six hours of TV a week. — Wrong.
Аргумент: "And a typical pensioner watches about six hours a day!" (абзац 2)В утверждении сказано, что пенсионеры смотрят телевизор 6 часов в неделю; в тексте говорится о том, что они смотрят телевизор 6 часов в день.
5) Teenagers don't watch TV because they prefer to be outside in the fresh air. — Wrong.
Аргумент: "Do they [teenagers] perhaps spend all their free time in the fresh air, away from the TV? The simple answer is no, they don't. The favourite free time activity of British teenagers is now surfing the internet — typically about thirty-one hours a week!" (абзац 4)В утверждении сказано, что подростки не смотрят телевизор, потому что они предпочитают проводить время на свежем воздухе; в тексте говорится о том, что они не проводят время на свежем воздухе, а предпочитают сидеть в интернете.
2. I am going to buy a new dictionary next week.
3. They are going to move home soon.
4. She is flying to Russia tomorrow.