my parents and i get on very well with each other, but sometimes we can't avoid conflicts. usually these conflicts happen when we misunderstand each other or can't come to a kind of decision that would satisfy the wishes of all family members. sometimes conflicts between me and my parents may happen just because they care about me and worry that some things i find really innocent would hurt me. that's when they usually try to impose their own life experience on me, which prevents me from experimenting or becoming more independent.
it would be ideal to not have any conflicts at all, but if they happen, it's important to resolve them as soon ap possible. the most effective way to a family conflict resolution is discussing the problem and doing our best to find the way to perfect understanding each other's point of view, because the best way to leading peaceful life is being sincere, tolerant, patient and loving person. sometimes it's necessary to prove my point of view, and when my arguments sound mature enough my parents perceive me as an adult, responsible and sterling person.
Лето в городе особенно душное и жаркое, поэтому, наверно, большинство людей стремятся провести летний отдых на побережье или в деревне. Солнце быстро разогревает асфальт и бетонные стены домов, а также высушивает землю, поэтому вокруг становится пыльно. И сильнее, чем в холодное время года, чувствуется запах автомобильных выхлопов. Некомфортно ездить в городском транспорте – жарко и почти
Leto v gorode osobenno dushnoye i zharkoye, poetomu, naverno, bol'shinstvo lyudey stremyatsya provesti letniy otdykh na poberezh'ye ili v derevne. Solntse bystro razogrevayet asfal't i betonnyye steny domov, a takzhe vysushivayet zemlyu, poetomu vokrug stanovitsya pyl'no. I sil'neye, chem v kholodnoye vremya goda, chuvstvuyetsya zapakh avtomobil'nykh vykhlopov. Nekomfortno yezdit' v gorodskom transporte – zharko i pochti
Summer in the city is particularly stuffy and hot, so, probably, most people tend to spend summer vacation on the coast or in the countryside. The sun quickly warms up the asphalt and the concrete walls of houses, and also dries the earth, so it becomes dusty around. And stronger than in the cold season, you can smell the car exhaust. It's not comfortable to drive in public transport - it's hot and almos
Summer in the city is particularly stuffy and hot, so, probably, most people tend to spend summer vacation on the coast or in the countryside. The sun quickly warms up the asphalt and the concrete walls of houses, and also dries the earth, so it becomes dusty around. And stronger than in the cold season, you can smell the car exhaust. It's not comfortable to drive in public transport - it's hot and almost