British and Russian schools are quite a bit different . But the British school does not teach other languages. Still there is a difference in appearance of pupils. In Russia are black - and- white form, and in Britain, the same loose clothing. The schedule and the schedule is also different.
Русскиe школы: The school is in a big building isn't very colourful. It has got not big windows. Building isn't ugly. The teachers and atudents are really friendly . Every ICT class has the most technology such as laptops and CD players. It have a school garden. Перевод про русскую школу Школы находяться в большых домах, они не очень цветные. Там есть небольшие окна. Дома не противные. Учителя и ученики очень дружелюбные. В каждом компьютерном классе имеються настоящие новейшие технологии такие как ноутбуки и сд плееры. О Британских школах Collage in British is a medium-sized school with about 500 students. Classes have start at 9a.m. and finish at 5p.m. Some subjects, like English and math are compulsory. Other subjects sush as Italian language, buisness and music are compulsory. Колледж в Британии это средняя школа примерно с 500учеников. Уроки начинаються в 9часов и заканчиваються в 5. Такие уроки как Английский и математика обязательны. Другие уроки такие как Итальянский язык, економика и музыка необязательны(на выбор). Хух, сори что долго писала
1 Where did the children play football last week? Дети играли в футбол на стадиона на недели 2 Who work in militia? Они работают в милиции. 3 What will I give you the day after tomorrow? Послезавтра я дам тебе ту книгу. 4 How many questions does Tom always ask me? Том задает мне много вопросов. 5 Who are going to the classe at the moment? Сейчас студенты идут в кабинеты.
1 Does your friend help them? 2 Are they students or pupils? 3 Do your neighbours work? 4 Are there any books on the table? / Is there any book on the table? 5 Did she finish college two years ago?
1) I like making sandwiches with a ham every morning. 2) He gave her a glass of water and then she settled down. 3) My mum had been always making fried egg for me for the breakfast. 4) I took the folk and started to eat my lunch as fast as I could. 5) Marie can work with a knife very fast. 6) George, please, could you give me that spoon? 7) There was very disgusting food on the plate. 8) Look! There is yummy toast on a toast rack! (сорян, на большее фантазии не хватило:)) 9) He knew that it is not pointless to add honey with tea when you take a cold. 10) Put these flowers to the vase, please. 11) I think you need a little bit salt to make this dish perfect. 12) She is in diet and eats cereal every morning instead of sandwiches with tea. 13) He was drinking an orange juice when he saw very beautiful woman he had ever seen. 14) They took the roll of wallpaper and set to work with a will. Фуф, ну вот, написала:D