Расскажи о себе. Сколько лет, где живешь, чем занимаешься. Распиши поподробней о своем хобби. Поделись своими целями и мечтами. И в заключение напиши о своих хороших качествах и кто ты такой
I believe that the fairy tale "The Little Prince " is the best book about friendship. 1. The Little Prince and the Fox met when the little prince was in the world. They immediately liked each other . 2.Lis told the boy about friendship , and The Little Prince tamed the fox . 3 . The Little Prince has a light character, he is friendly and hardworking. Lis wise , intelligent and insightful . 4 . Little prince flew to his planet , and Fox alone. - I will weep for you . - So, it makes you feel bad. - No, I'm good. Golden wheat would be to remind me of you , - said Fox . Lis is not sad , because he had good memories . 5 . The Fox and The Little Prince were together a short time , but they became friends for life. I Fox apron words : " We are responsible for those who have tamed ." For me, this phrase - the essence of friendship.
I believe that the fairy tale "The Little Prince " is the best book about friendship. 1. The Little Prince and the Fox met when the little prince was in the world. They immediately liked each other . 2.Lis told the boy about friendship , and The Little Prince tamed the fox . 3 . The Little Prince has a light character, he is friendly and hardworking. Lis wise , intelligent and insightful . 4 . Little prince flew to his planet , and Fox alone. - I will weep for you . - So, it makes you feel bad. - No, I'm good. Golden wheat would be to remind me of you , - said Fox . Lis is not sad , because he had good memories . 5 . The Fox and The Little Prince were together a short time , but they became friends for life. I Fox apron words : " We are responsible for those who have tamed ." For me, this phrase - the essence of friendship.
1. I haven’t got a car at the moment, so I am going by bus to work this week. Pres Cont 2. He was shaving in the bathroom when the telephone rang. Past Cont, Past Simp 3. He has been doing this work since 9 o'clock. Pres Perf Cont 4. She was walking down the street when she met a friend. Past Cont, Past Simp 5. Look. It is snowing heavily outside. Pres Cont 6. The sun rises in the east. Pres Simp 7. My friends have been practicing yoga for about a year. Pres Perf Cont 8. I have read that book but I don’t like it much. Pres Perf 9. When I came to the airport, I suddenly realized that I had left my wallet at home. Past Simp, Past Perf 10. A: I have a headache. B: I will give you an aspirin. Future Simp