b. Was the telephone invented by Mr Bell?
c. Was this picture painted by Peter?
d. Will the thieves be arrested by the police?
e. Is champagne made in France?
f. Will the letters be sent next week?
g. Are the animals fed three times a day?
h. Was this article written by Stanley?
a. The toothbrush was invented in the 15th century.
b. The first public basketball game was played in 1892.
c. The first eyeglasses were worn in the 1200s.
d. The first bicycle was ridden in 1791.
e. The first hot dog was eaten in the 1860s.
f. The first CDs were sold in the 1980s.
g. The first electric guitar was played in 1923.
h. The first computer mouse was used in 1964.
a. This programme is watched by millions of people.
b. Paper is made from wood.
c. Hundreds of people are killed in accidents every year.
d. London is visited by thousands of tourists every year.
e. The biology class is taught by Mr Green.
f. English is spoken all over the world.
g. Lunch is served at twelve o'clock.
h. Books are written by authors.
were seen
were called
was caught
was found
were taken
were questioned
were charged
1.This small dictionary _C has__50.000 words.
A makes B uses C has D consists
2. It's time you_C went__to school.
A go B going C went D to go
3.The teacher asked her_A not to play__video games.
A not to play B to not play C not to playing D to not playing
4. If you want to _D improve__English, we can help you.
A give B attend C take D improve
5.They use recycled plastic _A to make__toys and utensils.
A to make B making C made D makes
6. You shouldn't spend much time _A playing_ game.
A playing B play C to play D played
7.Bob is easy _C to pass__ the exam.
A pass B for passing C to pass D that pass.
8.The window needs _D painting_.
A paint B be painted C being painted D painting
9.We decided __A to go__picnic next week.
A to go B go C going D in going
10. I've never seen such an interesting_B performance__
A performed B performance C performer D performing
11. It took him six years to _D become_ a doctor and now he is.
A do B quality C make D become
12. Don't shout, dear. I can't _C stand_ the shout!
A hear B listen C stand D sit
13. He laughs __D because__ of her funny face.
A as B since C for D because
14. What are you __D looking for__? - My pen, I've lost it.
A looking at B looking after C looking D looking for
15. Why don't you __C go on__ with your university study ?
A go by B go at C go on D go in
Since April 1, 2006, the Central Botanical Garden was declared a smoke-free territory by the decision of the administration of Pervomaisky district.
In 2007 an exposition greenhouse opened in the botanical garden, the construction of which was started in 2004. In the greenhouse are exotic plants that inhabit various climatic zones of the planet. Thanks to the opening of the new structure, the Botanical Garden will not be closed for the winter from November to April, but will remain open for visiting the greenhouse.
The scientific collective of the botanical garden develops theoretical bases and methods of using world plant resources for the needs of the national economy and culture of Belarus. Developments make a significant contribution to the solution of practical issues of green building, non-traditional fruit growing, medicinal plant growing and environmental protection.
Организован в 1932 по решению Совета Народных Комиссаров БССР. Это самый крупный в стране центр по сохранению биологического разнообразия живых растений, ведущее научное учреждение в области интродукции, акклиматизации, физиологии, биохимии и экологии растений, охраны окружающей среды. Принадлежит к числу крупнейших ботанических садов Европы как по площади (153 га), так и по составу коллекций (более 9 тысяч наименований, в том числе 2,3 тысячи закрытого грунта). В 1999 г. по решению Правительства Республики Беларусь ему придан статус научного объекта, составляющего национальное достояние. Центральный ботанический сад объявлен памятником природы республиканского значения и памятником ландшафтной архитектуры. В настоящее время руководит деятельностью Центрального ботанического сада НАН Беларуси, доктор биологических наук В. В. Титок.
С 1 апреля 2006 года решением администрации Первомайского района Центральный ботанический сад объявлен территорией, свободной от курения.
В 2007 году в ботаническом саду открылась экспозиционнаяоранжерея, строительство которой было начато в 2004 году. В оранжерее представлены экзотические растения, населяющие различные климатические зоны планеты. Благодаря открытию нового сооружения ботанический сад не будет закрываться на зиму с ноября по апрель, а останется открытым для посещения оранжереи.
Научный коллектив ботанического сада разрабатывает теоретические основы и методы использования мировых растительных ресурсов для нужд народного хозяйства и культуры Беларуси. Разработки вносят значительный вклад в решение практических вопросов зеленого строительства, нетрадиционного плодоводства, лекарственного растениеводства и охраны окружающей среды.