Most essential to our body is food. Be moderate in eating. “A man is what he eats”. Some foods are better than others in making strong muscles. Among them are meat, eggs and fish. Some foods are better in helping keep bones, teeth, skin and blood. Among these foods are fruit, vegetables, milk and cheese. If you eat slowly you will never overeat. Never swallow your food. Different foods do different things for our body. Never drink alcohol: first of all it cost a lot of money, which might be used for better purposes. Second, the person who drinks will become unfit for his duties. Both health and character are often ruined.
Many young people feel guilty about eating too much chocolate. Chocolate does contain a lot of fat. However, if your diet is balanced, eating chocolate in moderation is fine. Food is a form of fuel. It gives us energy, helps us to grow, resist disease and form strong teeth and bones. Different foods do different things for the body. Almost all food can be eaten without any cooking at all. Most people ear raw fruit and vegetables. Fresh fruit and vegetables are important for our health. The proverb says: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.
Sometimes our parents don’t understand us. They don’t understand some problems and things which are very important in teens life; for example, the lifestyles of young people, piercing, tattoos, relationship with friends and teaches. So sometimes teens can’t tell them about their private life. Some parents don’t want to understand modern views, ideals and system of values.
Elderly people usually compare their childhood and youth with the present, and regard old times as better, always talking about “the good old days”. Teens look at the world with fresh eyes. Everything is new, interesting to them. Sometimes they can’t solve their everyday problems. But they want to cope with them by themselves. So adults shouldn’t prevent them from making their own mistakes.
People are said to become wiser with age. Sometimes it is true and sometimes it isn’t. I think that you can meet a wise man among the old as often as among the young.
I always want to impress people. But the first impression we make almost fully depends on what we wear and how we wear. Manners and speech are noticed next and character only later. Many teens have the same taste. They like to wear clothes which look good on and which you feel comfortable in. being in fashion makes you feel good, in tune with the world you live in. But when you are at school, it’s important to wear the right clothes, even formal ones and not to dress up.
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