Under the New Year a decree is insued to find the princess basket of snowdrops for a great reward. Insidious stepmother and daughter are trying to get precious coins. They are stingy and lazy, so they send a stepdaughter into a forest. In the forest, the girl met twelve brothers who had names that coincided with the months of all seasons. They give her a bowl of snowdrops and after several times help her. When the queen sees snowdrops, understands that she was fooled and orders to execute her stepdaughter, the help of the brothers-months. They punish the princess, stepmother and her daughter. And the girl is presented with gifts for her kindness and responsiveness.
Usually he goes to the library on Sundays(Present Simple) Обычно он ходит в библиотеку по воскресеньям. The steamer sails tomorrow. Пароход уходит завтра. He works a lot. - Он много работает. She never drinks coffee. - Она никогда не пьет кофе. It barks at every tree. - Он лает на каждое дерево.
Yesterday he went to the library. (Past Simple) Вчера он ходил в библиотеку. I started to learn English. – Я начала учить английский язык. The plane landed. – Самолет приземлился. We studied a lot because we wanted to get good marks. – Мы много учились, потому что мы хотели получить хорошие оценки. He listened to music yesterday. – Он вчера слушал музыку.
He will go to the library tomorrow. (Future Simple) Завтра он пойдет в библиотеку. I’ll call you back. – Я тебе перезвоню. - I’ll help you with your bag. – Я тебе с сумкой. - People will live on the Moon in the year 3000. – В 3000 году люди будут жить на Луне. The weather will be fine tomorrow. – Погода будет хорошей завтра. They’ll call us back soon. – Они скоро нам перезвонят
The king told the captain to collect the money. The king told the captain to set to work. The kind told the captain to don't cry. The kind told the captain to defend their kingdom. The kind told the captain to sing him a song. The kind told the captain to don't tell him anything bad. The kind told the captain to turn the metal into gold. The kind told the captain to bake him some bread. The kind told the captain to don't take his power from he. The kind told the captain to show him his magic mirror. Так?