Were is a Malahide Castle? Are there any ghosts?
Где находится замок Малахайд?
Malahide Castle - located near the village of Malahide, 14 kilometers north of Dublin in Ireland (перевод: Замок Мэлахайд — расположен недалеко от деревни Малахайд, в 14 километрах к северу от Дублина в Ирландии)
Are there any ghosts?
Есть ли привидения?
Ghosts of Malahide Castle. Malahide Castle, located in Ireland, has existed for about 800 years. (перевод: Призраки замка Малахайд. Замок Малахайд, расположенный в Ирландии, существует около 800 лет)
When was Conwy Castle built?
Когда был построен замок Конви?
The castle was built in 1283-1289 by order of Edward I of England. (перевод: Замок был построен в 1283—1289 годах по приказанию Эдуарда I Английского)
How many ravens live in the castle?
Сколько воронов живет в замке?
Charles II issued a decree according to which six black ravens must be kept in the castle at all times.
Чарльз II издал указ, по которому в замке постоянно должны находиться шесть черных воронов.
1. Mathematics ( occupies) a central position among the basic sciences. 2. At present our plant (is producing) some new electronic devices. 3. 0ur University (carries) out research in different fields of pure science. 4. Our University ( trains) good specialists who successfully ( work) in various branches of industry and science. 5. Don't go for a walk, it (is snowing) heavily. 6. In autumn it often ( rains). 7. I can't go right away, I (an preparing) for a very interesting experiment. 8. Every morning he ( does) his morning exercises.9. Look at them. They (are not translating) the text now, they (are reading) it.
What are you doing after school?
At the moment Peter is working in Russia.
Has he got a new car?
He never wears a hat.
He doesn’t like black coffee.
We are having a good time.
What are you doing now?
It’s raining at the moment.