In a book shop we can buy some books about animals , detective books , books about scary stories , books for study , books for small children - В книжном магазине мы можем купить книги про животных , детективные книги , книги про страшные истории , книги для учёбы , книги для маленьких детей
In a chemist shop we can buy some medical things like cough pills , headache pills , some mixtures , nerve pills , syringes - В аптеке мы можем купить медицинские вещи , как таблетки от кашля , таблетки от головной боли , микстуры , таблетки от нервов , шприцы
In a music shop we can buy some musical instruments , music books , pencils and pens and some diaries - В музыкальном магазине мы можем купить музыкальные инструменты , нотные тетради , карандаши и ручки и дневники
In a sport shop we can buy some weights , expanders , clothes for sports , ski and snowboards - В спортивном магазине мы можем купить гири , эспандеры , одежду для спорта , лыжи и сноуборды
1.)In France a family is a small group of people who live in the same house.- What is a small group of people living in the same house?2.)But there are people who want to lead independent life-Who are people who want to live independent life?3.) The main problem is that flats are very expensive to rent.-What is the main problem with flats?4.)My father's opinion and advice are very important-Whose opinion and advice are very important for you?5.)I suppose he is a real head of the family-Who is the real head of the family?
My favorite transport We all often use transport. It helps to cover long distances very quickly. Transport greatly facilitates our life. Transport can be personal and public. Personal transport is primarily the car, motorcycle, bicycle, etc. Public transport includes bus, trolley bus, metro and trams.
I often use public transport. It is convenient and cheap. My favorite mean of transport is the tram. From early childhood I often travelled by tram. In addition, there’s the tram line running close to my house. So, only a couple of steps and you're at the tram stop.
The tram is an old enough mean of transport. It appeared in the first half of the 19th century. Originally the trams were horse-drawn. And the usual trams on electricity appeared in 1881.
The tram is accessible, convenient and environmentally friendly kind of transport. So whenever I need it I take a tram.
- В книжном магазине мы можем купить книги про животных , детективные книги , книги про страшные истории , книги для учёбы , книги для маленьких детей
In a chemist shop we can buy some medical things like cough pills , headache pills , some mixtures , nerve pills , syringes
- В аптеке мы можем купить медицинские вещи , как таблетки от кашля , таблетки от головной боли , микстуры , таблетки от нервов , шприцы
In a music shop we can buy some musical instruments , music books , pencils and pens and some diaries
- В музыкальном магазине мы можем купить музыкальные инструменты , нотные тетради , карандаши и ручки и дневники
In a sport shop we can buy some weights , expanders , clothes for sports , ski and snowboards
- В спортивном магазине мы можем купить гири , эспандеры , одежду для спорта , лыжи и сноуборды