Jackie Chan (chin. 成龍, Cheng lung; nee Keith. 陳港生, Chen Gansen (Chen born in Hong Kong); sometimes referred to as Chan Consan[2] and Fang Shilong[3]; eng. Jackie Chan; b. 7 April 1954, Hong Kong, China)[4] Hong Kong, Chinese and American actor, stuntman, film Director, producer, screenwriter, stunt and fight scenes, singer, philanthropist, martial arts master. Goodwill Ambassador of UNICEF. Commander of the order of the British Empire[5].
Chan is one of the most popular action hero in the world, he is known for his acrobatic fighting style, comic gift, as well as using the various "improvised" in the fighting. Has starred in over 100 films and is one of the most famous Asian actors in the world. In addition to the movie, and engaged in singing career — he sings songs in many of his films and releasing albums since the 1980-ies.
1. Automobiles were rushing in both directions and it was impossible to cross the street. Автомобили ехали в обе стороны,поэтому было невозможно перейти дорогу. Were rushing -Past Continuous Active Voice;was -Past Simple Active Voice. 2. The construction of this high-speed line is being actively supported by the government. Строительство этой скоростной магистрали активно поддерживается правительством. Is being supported -Present Continuous Passive 3. Until recently, the price difference between the first and second-class tickets on the Spanish Railways had been amounted to 81%. До недавнего времени,ценовая разница билетов первого и второго класса испанских железных дорог достигла 81%. Had been amounted -Past Perfect Passive
Четвёртую дверь на четвёртом этаже больше не откроешь никакой силой.