Однажды лев сказал орлу : я сделаю тебе предложение,от которого ты не сможешь отказаться. Я дам тебе мою гриву,если ты дашь мне свои крылья. Ты должно быть шутишь,сказал орел. если у меня не будет крыльев,я не смогу летать. Не волнуйся об этом,повторил лев. если бы у меня не было моей гривы, я не был бы королем зверей. Итак, после некоторого раздумья, орел согласился на обмен. Когла орел добрался до дома,со львиной гривой,он подумал что он сделает своей жене и детям сюрприз,если высунет свою голову над гнездом и крикнет Бу!. К сожалению, его жена приняла его за льва ,взяла оружие из ящика и выстрелила в незнакомца. К счастью,она промахнулась
Botanical Garden was founded in 1957 by Professor JS Kosenko. And in 1959, made the first planting. Currently, the Botanical Garden 1200 - 1500 species, varieties, forms and varieties. Scientific staff botanical garden and teachers of the Department conduct scientific research on the propagation of plants. Plants reproduce by seeds, cuttings, small branches. Propagated to save a collection of plants.
Juniper - Russian word consists of two words, "we can" and "spruce". Juniper grows with coniferous spruce forests. Net called juniper juniper forests. One hectare of juniper plantings can clean the air of a small area of the city (as Krasnodar). Juniper releases volatile.
Cedar River taper. Homeland - South America. It grows in marshy soils and along rivers.
Cypress or toksodium - is a relict plant. Conifer, vetkopadnoe. Homeland - North America. The plant contains resin. It is used for decorative landscaping. Lives at home 400 - 600 years. There are some instances that can live for 4000 - 6000 years.
Yew. Motherland - the Far East. At home - it upright tree. In the botanical garden is shrubs. Poisonous plant. It poisonous shoots, leaves, roots, seeds, except prisemennoy red shell. Very strong wood. Used in industry. In ancient Greece, there was a belief that the wood of yew produced cups or bowls, filled them with wine and given to drink disagreeable people.
Sequoia or mammoth tree. Homeland - North America. The highest in the plant kingdom. Reaches one hundred meters in height. Trunk diameter up to 10 to 12 meters. It can grow up to 2000 years.
Juniper. Rising from Anapa to Novorossiysk.
Juniper Verginsky. Homeland - North America. Used for decorative landscaping. Pencils are made from wood. Dioecious plant.
Cossack juniper, juniper Chinese - used for decorative landscaping.
Juniper smelly. Homeland - North America. Dioecious plant. Has a solid yellow wood. Wood may not decay, not chervotocheniyu.
Juniperus. Homeland - Europe. Used in the food industry for flavoring and pharmaceutical industries. Shishkoyagody juniper contain toxic oil called sabinol.
Juniper red. Motherland - The North Caucasus. Grows - Crimea, the Northern Caucasus. Got its name "red" because cones when ripe red. Listed in the Red Book. The needles are very prickly. It is used for decorative landscaping.
Ginkgo biloba or silver apricot. Got its name because when ripe fruits turn red. Homeland - Japan. Native to Japan, Korea and China. The oldest plant of the family of gymnosperms. Dioecious plant. Fruits are edible. Fruit begins with a 30 - 40 years. Plant conifer, deciduous.
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