I really enjoy doing sports such as boxing. Boxing is the battle of two athletes, It, like in any other sport, has its own rules. This is a fist fight, for which special soft gloves are produced.
I'd like to tell you about my family. my family is neither big nor small, it consists of 4 members - my parents, my younger (elder) sister// brother (здесь выберите подходящий вариант) and me. my mother's name is she is a good-looking 42-year-old woman with big blue eyes and a beaming smile. she doesn't look her age. my mum is a в словаре посмотрите и допишите) she is a very good specialist and she likes her job. she likes the people she works with and the hours are good - she works full-time, but she doesn't have to work overtime. although my mum is a very busy person she manages to keep the house well. i think she is a born housewife because she is excellent at cooking and running the household. she is keen on gardening. she has a green thumb and can work wonders with plants. there are a lot of pot plants at home. they make our home look lovely. my father kostantin grigoryevich is a tall broad-shouldered man with a receding hair line. he is years old. my dad works as a ) he has been a , a worker, a driver) for 10 (20, 25) years. he is good at cars, holding negotiations - как пример, любое действие напишите, в чём ваш папа преуспевает, что у него хорошо получается. не забудьте, что это "что-то" должно стоять в герундиальной форме, то есть с - ing окончанием) he sometimes goes on business for a couple of days, and i miss him greatly, when he is away. he enjoys fishing, so once a month he goes fishing with his friends. my elder sister sveta is a student. she is 4 years older than me. we get on well together. i am a . i study at the faculty . i am in the first year. i am fond of хобби)
Мы в году писали! Valentine's Day , Valentine ... Valentine's Day . Everyone knows about Valentine's Day, which helped unite the lovers secretly crowned them . But few people know that this was a special day in the 5th century AD and originated this holiday in Rome. That's when the Catholic Church decided to fight the widespread pagan rites and used for this martyrdom of one of their saints. But let's start from the beginning. Since the middle of the 4th century BC, the Roman Empire was the custom , dedicated to the pagan god Luperkusu (or faun ) . It is the god of lust , half man , half goat . February 14 in honor of the god of young people participated in the annual rite. День Святого Валентина, валентинки… День влюбленных. Все знают о Святом Валентине, который влюбленным соединиться, тайно венчал их. Однако мало кто знает, что этот день стал особенным еще в 5 веке нашей эры и зародился этот праздник в Риме.Именно тогда католическая церковь решила бороться с широко распространенными языческими обрядами и использовала для этого мученическую смерть одного из своих святых.Но начнем сначала. Уже с середины 4 столетия до нашей эры в Римской империи существовал обычай, посвященный языческому богу Луперкусу (или Фавну). Это бог сладострастия, наполовину человек, наполовину козел. 14 февраля в честь этого бога молодые люди участвовали в ежегодном обряде.