ракгкангнпп нгрпгнг Можете ли вы сказать, что с Томом Сойером вас многое связывает? (Любой свой ответ аргументируйте)
Можете ли вы сказать, что с Томом Сойером вас многое связывает? (Любой свой ответ аргументируйте)
Можете ли вы сказать, что с Томом Сойером вас многое связывает? (Любой свой ответ аргументируйте)
Можете ли вы сказать, что с Томом Сойером вас многое связывает? (Любой свой ответ аргументируйте)
Можете ли вы сказать, что с Томом Сойером вас многое связывает? (Любой свой ответ аргументируйте)
Можете ли вы сказать, что с Томом Сойером вас многое связывает? (Любой свой ответ аргументируйте)
Можете ли вы сказать, что с Томом Сойером вас многое связывает? (Любой свой ответ аргументируйте)
Можете ли вы сказать, что с Томом Сойером вас многое связывает? (Любой свой ответ аргументируйте)
Можете ли вы сказать, что с Томом Сойером вас многое связывает? (Любой свой ответ аргументируйте)
London is a large city situated in the southeastern part of England, standing on the river Thames. This city is a capital of the United Kingdom. The population of London is more than eight million people. London is considered as the largest city not only of the United Kingdom but also in western part of Europe. London is one of the largest financial centers of the world.
Romans founded this city in AD 34, they called it Londinium. This word later was shortened to what we have now – London. The capital of the United Kingdom has different names in different languages of the countries composing Great Britain — in Irish Londain, in Welsh Llundain, in Scottish Lunnainn.
London was a small city for a very long time. Romans built walls muring the city and all the citizens lived inside these walls. Now this area is called the City of London. But around the city there were many little villages which population increased gradually. After some time (when the Romans left) all these villages were joined into one huge city which is known now as Greater London or just London. In twelfth century London became the capital of England.
In spite of the fact today’s London has many immigrants, most people in this city are British. Immigrants came to London from different countries all over the world, they brought not only their languages but also their cultures and religions. Many foreigners stay in London on business, others visit London as tourists. London offers a lot of sights to see. The most visited are the famous Sights of London which include churches, palaces and museums.
London is considered as one of the most important cities of the world for finance, business and politics. The capital of Great Britain is also important for entertainment, culture, media, art and fashion.
Most of the fears we are exposed to are ingrained in our brains from childhood. We have been scared to death with possible traumas, insecurities and troubles that our parents, friends and close relatives described so brightly. Newspapers and TV have added some terrific stories that can happen to us if we are not careful enough.
I am sure that the best way to cope any fear one encounters with, - is to do what he or she intends to. There is no other way out of the situation. Only if we try doing what we are planning we will get a chance to shatter any kind of a fear. And be sure, our brain will undoubtedly remember a positive result we achieved. And if a similar situation arises in the future we will not be frightened again, because our brain will analyse the situation and prompt us the best way to deal with it rather than sprinkling adrenaline into our blood.