Упражнение 7. Заполните пропуски нужной формой to be 1) am; 2) is; 3) are; 4) was; 5) were; 6) shall be, 7) will be
1. Our father was born in 1980.
2. My name is Mary,
3. At school we are good friends.
4. I am a first year student.
5. What are you by profession?
6. Soon we shall be engineers.
7. It is a book.
8. Will you be at work tomorrow?
9. When was Moscow founded?
10. At present Helen is our secretary.
11. Where were you yesterday?
12. Who is your mother?
13. I shall be at home tomorrow.
14. Is she right or not?
15. Soon they will be pilots.
16. What country are you from?
17. Next year there will be many beautiful flowers in this park.
18. Is he your best friend?
19. They were married last summer.
20. Where is this city situated?
21. Soon it our largest stadium.
22. Is Ann your sister?
23. Last year we were pupils and now we are students.
24. Who is your favourite writer?
25. Are they twins?
26. What is the capital of New Zealand?
27. Laughter is the best medicine.
28. Are you fond of reading?
29. East or west, home is best.
30. When and where were you born?
31. It is never too late to love.
32. How are they getting on?
33. Honesty is the best policy.
34. This text was translated yesterday.
35. Tomorrow at nine o'clock they will be at our office.
36. All that glitters is not gold.
A He has many students at his lecture. На его лекции много студентов. He had many students at his lecture. На его лекции было много студентов.
B All the students are present today. Все студенты сегодня присутствуют. All the students were present today. Все студенты присутствовали сегодня.
C Only one student has no pencil and ruler. His name is John Smith. Только у одного студента нет карандаша и линейки. Его зовут Джон Смит. Only one student had no pencil and ruler. His name was John Smith. Только у одного студента не было карандаша и линейки. Его звали Джон Смит.
D There hangs a table over the bookcase. Над книжным шкафом висит стол. There hung a table over the bookcase. Над книжным шкафом висел стол.