My brother as playful as a kitty
This man as proud as a peacock
I'm as quiet as a mouse
My grandfather as wise as an owl
My sister as gentle as a lamb
My father as strong as an ox
My mother as busy as a bee
My friend as stubbom as a mule
My another friend as slow as a snail
Мой брат игривый как котенок
Это мужчина горд как павлин
Моя бабушка мудрая как сова
Моя сестра кратка(или мягка) как ягненок
Мой папа силён как бык(может переведено как вол)
Моя мать занята(трудолюбива) как пчела
Мой друг упрям как мул(а не осел)
Мой другой друг медленный как улитка(а не змея)
we get new knowledge, but also a place where we find new friends. Everyone remembers their first day at school. This day is the first of September. Exciting, festive, beautiful day. From that day on, I understood the word “school” as an interesting and exciting journey into the world of knowledge. Since then, every day at school is unique to me. I found many close and dear friends for me in this place. You communicate at each break, at each lesson you learn more and more new and interesting things. The uniqueness of my school is that only we have such wonderful, kind and sensitive teachers who are able to find an approach to each student. In each lesson, they put most of their souls into us. Without knowledge, a person cannot live today in any country in the world. An educated person is valued anywhere in the world. Therefore, our teachers help each child to learn new material not only for good grades, but also for quality knowledge.
2) Where is the biggest diamond mine in the world situated?
3) Are the crown jewels of Britain kept in Buckingham Palace?
4) Where are Volkswagen cars produced?
1) Кофе выращивается в Великобритании?
2) Где находится самая большая алмазная шахта в мире?
3) Хранятся ли сокровища Британской Короны в Букингемском Дворце?
4) Где производятся автомобили Volkswagen?