This girl I know from first grade. Now she is my best friend, her name is Liana. February eighth she turns 16 years old. For his age Liana is quite high. It is rarely a bad mood, so the face can be seen most radiant smile, what a sad, wistful look. Sometimes she gets angry, and then become more noticeable freckles. If satisfied with Liana, her expressive eyes sparkle, attracting people's attention. His black hair is cut by the "square". She always collect them in a ponytail, do not like to walk with her hair, thinking that she is not talking. Sometimes we quarrel, and Liana's angry, but quickly put up as if nothing had happened.
When Liana writes something or decides she concentrated form. It is hard man. Solving the example, all will be well to paint, but if something does not work, then will decide again and again until it finds the correct answer. In general, Liana is a very interesting person. She will be able to amuse anyone. Listening to the radio, she will sing, that already looks pretty funny. She never refused help to anyone who requests it. Especially not deny the teacher's request. It can rely on and be sure that if she trusted with a secret she would never tell nobody, no matter what happens.
1. В кінці навчального року студенти здають іспити з предметів за фахом. Present indefinite tense / to have. 2. У Кембріджі існувала популярна традиція опівдні за друзів на чай, гарячі тости з маслом і джемом. Past indevinite tense / to be. 3. Незабаром з цих кімнат відкриється приємний вид на інститутський сад. Future indefinite tense / to have a pleasant outlook. 4. Університет Дружби Народів ім. Патріса Лумумби почав працювати c невеликої кількості студентів з Азії, Африки та Латинської Америки. Past indefinite tense / to start.
- I was at a party.
- Were there a lot of people?
- Yes, there were a lot of my friends and relatives.
- Was the party fun?
- No, it wasn’t. It was very boring.
- Why was it boring?
- Because you weren’t there.
- I’m sorry but I was very busy at work yesterday. And, anyway, I wasn’t invited.