1. I have chosen photo number 2. In my opinion this photo shows a happy family living in a big comfortable house, or, perhaps, moving in it.
2. On the right hand side I see a family: two parents and two children, on the left hand side I see a large flowerbed with different types and colors flowers. At the top of the picture I can see a balcony, it seems big enough even for 10 people.
3. The family is probably coming back home from a walk in the garden, and they seem really happy.
4. I feel happiness looking at this photo, and I also think that it’s great having a lovely family.
Возле мне находяться 2 торговых центров, и туда ходят люди: пошопиться, купить продукты, и тд. Но в основном у нас одни квартиры но я думаю всем ясно почему все ходят в квартиры! Ну а если так то они ходят а себе домой:роботать, отдыхать и тд. Дома они могут видеть: своего домашнего питомца, своих родных и тд. А в торговом центре: много новой одежды, много свежих продуктов и тд.
Near me there are 2 shopping centers, and there go people: to shop, buy groceries, etc. But mostly we have the same apartments, but I think it's clear to everyone why everyone goes to the apartments! Well, if so they go and go home: robot, rest, etc. At home they can see: their pet, their relatives, etc. And in the mall: a lot of new clothes, a lot of fresh food, etc.
Надеюсь всё понятно:)