Я тебе переведу вопросы а ты перестроишь под себе если ответы не подходят (Потому что они подстроены под твои будущие действия)
1) Какие уроки будут у тебя будут завтра?
ответ: Tomorrow i have a math, geography and physics lessons.
2) Кто будет дежурить на следующей неделе?
ответ: Andrey will be on the duty next week.
3) Подарок ему понравится, правда?
ответ: Yes he really loves the present!
4) Какая погода будет завтра?
ответ: It will snow tomorrow.
5) Сколько дней будет в следующем месяце?
ответ: There will be 31 days in the next month
ответ: City life is the most popular in nowadays? because there are many advantages: a lot of shopping and shopping malls, a lot of people to know, sport facilities. And the most important are modern conviences like gas, electricity, hot and cold water, which you dont have in country life. But comparing to country life there are more disadvantages, then advantages: A lot of rubbish, unhealthy environment and high prices on everything. So i guess country life is the best: Healthy environment and fresh air as well, there are no stone jungles, only real trees and grass, no noising traffic jam, you can hear only bird`s songs, low prices. But the real danger is in wild animals. They can come to your village and hurt you or your home animals.
Extinct animals