I love to read - я люблю читать.
Do you love to swim? - ты любишь плавать?
Who likes computer games? - кто любит компьютерные игры.
She loves to play the piano. Она любит играть на пианино.
He loves birds. - Он любит птиц.
Why do you keep these old cards? - Почему ты хранишь эти старые открытки?
Can you keep a secret? - ты можешь хранить секреты?
To be in good shape, I walk a lot on foot. - Для того, чтобы быть в хорошей спортивной форме, я много хожу пешком.
Sometimes, when the weather is good, we ride on a Bicycle. - Иногда, когда погода хорошая, мы катаемся на велосипеде.
Every weekend we take our dog and walk outside the city. - Каждые выходные мы берём нашу собаку и гуляем за городом.
2) I knew that the first TV sets were black and white.
3) I knew that there were few TV channels originally.
4) I knew that TV screens used to be very small.
5) I don't understand how the first computer mouses were operated.
6) The developmet stages of a computer mouse.
7) The invention history of TV sets.
8) The first computer mouse was in the form of a wooden box
9) The first computer weigted several tons, operated very slowly and took much space.
10) Originally there was only one TV channel and it was only working during two or three definite hours.