2. Заполните пропуски, используя текст диалога.
1. As you know this city is full of attractions and entertainment.
2. There are one-week tours starting from the 21st of June.
3. By the way, you’ll see many other attractions on your way to Pafos.
4. No doubt, that you will like it.
5. It’s a at the center of Ayia-Napa.
3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения, используя информацию из диалога.
1. В каком городе вы планируете остановиться?
Which city do you plan to stay in?
2. Это – исторический город со старинной архитектурой.
It's a historic city with old architecture.
3. Вы проведете целых семь дней там.
You'll spend seven full days there.
4. Могу ли я Вам чем-нибудь
What can I do for you?
5. Там много ресторанов греческой, итальянской и средиземноморской кухни.
There are lots of restaurants of Greek, Italian and Mediterranean cuisine.
2. The lena is the longest river in Russia, it is 4,400 (four thousand four hundred)
3.Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in the UK, it is 1,343(one thousand three hundred and fourty three) metres high.
4.Elbrus is the highers mountain in Russia, it is 5,642(five thousand six hundred and forty two) metres high.
5. Lake Loch Ness is the deepest lake in thr UK,it is 230(two hundred and thirty) metres deep.