2) Has Jess ever flown in a helicopter? Yes, she has. She flew in a helicopter last July.
3) Have Mary and Jill ever swum with dolphins? Yes, they have. They swam with dolphins last year.
4) Has Billy ever met a famous singer? Yes, he has. He met a famous singer last month.
5) Has Jess ever visited Russia? Yes, she has. She visited Russia last year.
6) Have Mary and Jill ever met a famous singer? Yes, they have. They met a famous singer in 2009.
7) Has Billy ever flown in a helicopter? Yes, he has. He flew in a helicopter in 2009.
8) Has Jess ever swum with dolphins? Yes, she has. She swam with dolphins in 2007.
4.Ты ученик?Где ты учишься? Yes, I am pupil.I from school № 28
5.Что ты любишь делать в свободное время? I like draw, sing or play computer games in my free time