Since I knew I wanted to help people from childhood. At 6 years old, I wanted to have a grocery store, to give food to the hungry, 8 years dreamed of becoming a volunteer, at 9 years old, I knew I wanted to be a lifeguard. I was engaged in military training, shooting, he learned to bandage the wound and apply the tire, taught useful plants and fungi. Everyone told me that I changed my choice, but I have not changed. Now tell me that you have to be strong to work a lifeguard, they say, it's not for me. Lifeguard - this is my dream. I am sure that this is the work under my force. My coach has always said that this is the profession of the one for me. But even if I can not handle this job, I will not get upset and become a coach. I am a science around children, they have taught me.
Since I knew I wanted to help people from childhood. At 6 years old, I wanted to have a grocery store, to give food to the hungry, 8 years dreamed of becoming a volunteer, at 9 years old, I knew I wanted to be a lifeguard. I was engaged in military training, shooting, he learned to bandage the wound and apply the tire, taught useful plants and fungi. Everyone told me that I changed my choice, but I have not changed. Now tell me that you have to be strong to work a lifeguard, they say, it's not for me. Lifeguard - this is my dream. I am sure that this is the work under my force. My coach has always said that this is the profession of the one for me. But even if I can not handle this job, I will not get upset and become a coach. I am a science around children, they have taught me.
MOVE, потому что это описание правил игры, с глаголами в роли сказуемого в форме Present Simple (отвечает на вопрос "что делаете?").
А слово BUYING - здесь причастие наст. времени, соответствует русскому деепричастию и отвечает на вопрос "что делая?" - ПОКУПАЯ.