и обьясните choose the sentences with the noun in the possessive case. a)diana's leaving the camp was unexpected b)my son's going to be a politician c)fred's won the silver skate
Не знаю из России ли ты... Но вот что по быстрому получилось. Сорри если ошибочки найдутся. I was born in Russia and really love my country. Russia has a great history that is full of feats and real heroes. Everyone knows that my country is the biggest country in the world. We have large fields, beautiful forests, villages and towns. The Russian people are famous for their hospitality. We have a lot of smart people and athletes. Of course, my country has many problems, but we are trying to solve them. I love my country and I advise everyone to visit Russia.
1. Simple Present I) Summer follows spring. c) It takes me five minutes to get to school. 2. Simple Past f) The young princess could not speak. She was under the spell. 3. (Simple) Future k) Will you join us for dinner? 4. Present Continuous e) We are discussing the contents of the novel tomorrow. 5. Past Continuous m) Emily was speaking to the librarian at that time, 6. Future Continuous h) I’ll be working in the garden then. 7. Present Perfect a) A new edition of Longman Grammar has appeared recently. b) My Granny has had this tea cosy for ages. 8. Past Perfect I) Ann had left by five o’clock. 9. Future Perfect o) You will have changed your mind by tomorrow. 10. Present Perfect Continuous n) Why have you been crying? j) Jane has been painting since early morning. 11. Past Perfect Continuous g) He had been playing football for an hour before the seven o’clock meeting. 12. Future Perfect Continuous d) Bill will have been travelling for 5 months by this time next week
A) Diana's leaving the camp was unexpected - Уход Дианы из лагеря был неожиданным.
Предложения b) и с) не подходят, ибо 's в них служит сокращением модального глагола:
B)My son is going to be a politician
C)Fred has won the silver skate