1. This structure is also one of the most famous ones in the world. It is actually a collection of walls built across centuries by many dynasties. The whole series of walls spans 8,851.8 km and is a fascinating wonder.
2. The literal translation of its name is "Old Mountain". It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983. It is believed to be an Inca site.
3. It is a breath-taking structure made of marble, and is located in India. Built over 30 years, it comprises of a dome mausoleum, and also has the shrines of its creator, the emperor Shah Jahan and his wife, Mumtaz Begum, in whose memory the structure was actually built. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is a symbol of iconic beauty and love.
4. Certainly one of the most known structures in the world, it is indeed a leaning structure, standing at 55.86 m tall. It used to lean by 5.5 degrees, but restoration work carried out between 1991 and 2000 has reduced that angle to 3.99 degrees.
5. This is the only wonder of the ancient world that is still standing, and it is great in every aspect. Built over 20 years, it held the record for the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years.
6. It is a massive structure, which is actually an amphitheatre, and is the largest ever built in Italian history. It is elliptical in shape and is capable of seating 50,000 people. Though damaged partially by massive earthquakes and stone robbers, this marvellous feat of Roman engineering has survived all the tough times.
7. Consisting of large stones in a standing position and forming a circle, it is believed to have been built around 2500 BC. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Recent studies have led archaeologists to believe that it was used as a burial site in its time.
8. Though not man-made, its amazing peak certainly deserves a place in the top 10 wonders of the world as a natural wonder. Standing at 8,848 m tall, it is the highest peak in the world above sea level, and was first conquered by Edmund Hil
1.Нужно питаться полезной едой.
You need to eat healthy food.
2.Отказаться от вредных привычек, курения и алкоголя.
Give up bad habits, smoking and alcohol.
3.Делать зарядку нужно ежедневно по утрам.
Do exercises need daily in the morning
4.Нужно больше двигаться не стоит тратить время на гаджеты.
Need to move more is not worth spending time on gadgets.
5.Выезжайте на природу или просто гуляйте на улице.
Go to nature or just walk outside.
6.Кушайте в меру и не передайте.
Eat in moderation and do not pass.
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