Protect the environment from industrial pollution .Keep the land, air and water clean.Keep our environment clean. All woods are home for animals. So behave as guests. Help nature. Protect it. Тhe Earth is our home.Don,t pollute it. When you hike, leave the place clean. Plant a tree to create home for birds, squirrels and other small animals. it's not too late to solve these problems. We have the time, the money and even the technology to make our planet a better, cleaner and safer place. We can plant trees and create parks for endangered species. We can recycle litter. We can support green parties and put pressure on those in power. Together we can save the planet and all of us with it.
Russian national suit is being used from ancient times and until present. it has notable features depending on region. can be festive or casual. distinctive feature of russian national suit - huge amount of clothes. clothes can be union and swing. suits of majors were made of expensive fabrics, with applications of gold, silver, pearls, costly buttons. such suits were passed by inheritance. style of the outfit haven't been changed by centuries. definition of fashion didn't exist. russian national suit became less popular when peter i in 1699 has forbidden wearing of russian national suit for everybody, except rednecks, monks, priests and lectors. base for a man's suit was a shirt or undershirt. over the shirt men put on zypun made of home cloth. base for the woman's suit was long shirt. shirts used to be decorated with fringes or embroidery, sometimes with pearls. married women should have necessarily cover their hair, thus they wore volosniks and povoyniks and binded their hair with shawls, and when leaving the house they put on ornated kiks or kokoshniks.
Перед названиями компаний, авиалиний и т. п. артикля нет:
Fiat, Sony, Kodak, IBM, American Airways, BP.
Думаю, возможно исключение, когда само по себе название предполагает наличие определенного артикля (редчайшие случаи)