1) In the evening I took my rubbish. - я думаю, здесь не хватает одного слова (Вы же имели ввиду ВЫБРАСЫВАЮ) и слово МУСОР у вас написано с ошибкой)
Did you take your rubbish in the evening?
Did you take your rubbish in the evening or in the morning?
What did you take in the evening?
When did you take my rubbish?
In the evening I took my rubbish, didn't I? - глупый вопрос, но по образцу
2) Then they will translate this text from English into Russian.
Will they translate this text from English into Russian?
Will they or we translate this text from English into Russian?
When will they translate this text from English into Russian?
What will they translate from English into Russian?
Then they will translate this text from English into Russian, won't they?
0% never
20% seldom /rarely
40% sometimes
60% often
80% usually
100% always