1) She smiled a friendly irony\ironic smile. 2) Globe\global climatic changes can seriously influence the earth. 3) Our nation\national team has won the match. 4) He is a very athletes\athletic person. 5)Sports events took place wherever possible\impossible : in parks , sports grounds and halls around the city. 6) The games were very successful\success and more then 4,000 athletes from 54 countries participated in them. 7) In 1948 the London government\governmental didn't have money to build a new Olimpic stadium. 8) Our norm\normal working hours are from 9 till 6. 9)The beginners\beginning stayed in military camps or in college rooms. 10) We have always been optimistic\optimist and we have always been sure of our success. 11) After visiting some small towns in the Crimea the ended in\up\with in Yalta. 12) It is certainly better to end a match in\up\with a draw to lose it. 13)They decided to end their meeting up\with\in a concert. 14) The match ended up\in\with the victory of the opponent's team. 15) All the three games ended in\with\up a draw. 16) The orator decided to end his speech with\in\up a little joke. 17) Mike stole the money and ended in\up\with in a jail. 18) We discussed our possible route and decided to end with\in\up St Petersburg. 19) I know the battle will end with\in\up our victory. 20) I used to end my personal letters with\in\up a lot of kisses
"The Little Prince" is my favorite book. This story is about friendships, love and care. It is necessary to say that this book will be interesting both for children and for adults. There are many important and deep thoughts and things that everybody must know and remember. This book is easy to read, though it contains symbols and comparisons. It is impossible to set aside this book, because you have a strong wish to read it chapter by chapter. "The Little Prince" has many translations into other languages because it is very popular all over the world. I believe that this book influences on people. After reading, they become more open-hearted and kinder. I highly advise everybody to read this amazing story with such simple plot.
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