Моё хобби достаточно распространенное и обычное. Я занимаюсь велоспортом и могу сказать, что это моё хобби. Мне очень нравится как просто кататься на велосипеде, так и участвовать в различных велопробегах, походах на велосипеде. Велоспорт очень полезен для человека. Занимаясь этим спортом, вы значительно укрепите свой организм, свою дыхательную систему. Я на своём опыте могу сказать, что однажды влюбившись в этот спорт, ты уже посвящаешь ему все свое время. Велоспорт можно рассматривать не только как увлечение, но и профессиональный дохода. Советую вам заниматься велоспортом. Это очень здорово.
My hobby is enough common and common. I engage in cycling and can say that it is my hobby. I like very much both simply to go for a drive on the bicycle, and to participate in various bicycle races, campaigns on the bicycle. Cycling is very useful for person. Engaging in that sport, you considerably will strengthen your organism, your breathing system. I on my experience can say that once falling in love to this sport, you already devote to it all your time. Cycling can be considered not only as drift , but also professional way of the income. I advise you to engage in cycling. It is very sound.
1. I am writting a composition now. 2. I am not drinking milk now. 3. I am going for a walk after dinner. 4. I do not go to the theatre every Sunday. 5. He is not reading now. 6. He is playing now. 7. Is he play now? 8. My mother workes at a factory. 9. My aunt does not work at a shop. 10. Do you work at an office? 11. My friend lives in St. Petersburg. 12. My cousin does not live in Miami. 13. The children are not sleeping now. 14. The children play in the yard every day. 15. They do not go to the stadium on Monday
1. I am writting a composition now. 2. I am not drinking milk now. 3. I am going for a walk after dinner. 4. I do not go to the theatre every Sunday. 5. He is not reading now. 6. He is playing now. 7. Is he play now? 8. My mother workes at a factory. 9. My aunt does not work at a shop. 10. Do you work at an office? 11. My friend lives in St. Petersburg. 12. My cousin does not live in Miami. 13. The children are not sleeping now. 14. The children play in the yard every day. 15. They do not go to the stadium on Monday
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