The Unfortunate Tandem
It happened while Mr Harris and his wife sitting on the tandem behind him (0) __were cycling__ (to cycle) through Holland. As the roads (1) _were stony, Harris asked his wife to sit tight. She (3) _could not explain later why she (4) _thought her husband (5) had ordered her to jump down. And she did so. Harris (6) went go on without turning his head. He (7) believed his wife (8) was sitting behind him.
Mrs Harris (9) found herself on the road alone.
At first, she (10) supposed her husband (11)wanted simply to show his skill and he (12) would return) soon when he (13) reached the hill. But her husband (14) disappeared in the wood.
She (15) began to cry as she (16) had no money, and she (17) did not know Dutch.
People (18) thought she (19) had lost something so they (20) took her to the police station.
Meanwhile, Harris (21) was cycling with great pleasure. But soon he (22) felt wrong. He (23) looked back but (24) saw nobody there.
While thinking how to find his wife he (25) met some local people. They (26) were sure he (27) would find his wife at the police station. There he (28) was asked when, where and why he (29) had lost his wife.
The meeting of Mr Harris and his wife (30) was not a tender one.
Be careful on the roads!
Carrot cleaned with a knife
Coarse grated tinder cheese:
Back and forth, here and there.
Soup stir ladle
And tolkushkoy crumple potatoes
Knife cut dill
Whack-Whack-Whack and into a bowl of op!
It turned out delicious to
Personally, samples are taken from the dishes,
To our children
Was always fed!
Повара уж очень ловко
Чистят ножиком морковку,
Сыр на крупной терке трут:
Взад-вперед, то там, то тут.
Суп мешают поварешкой
И толкушкой мнут картошку
Режут ножиком укроп
Вжик-вжик-вжик и в миску оп!
Получилось вкусно чтобы,
Лично с блюд снимают пробы,
Чтобы наша детвора
Была сытая всегда!