Every subject, learning at school, is important for us. But , personally, I'm not sure, everyone needs to learn biology or history. There are some subjects, which we all should know.
In my opinion, one of the most important school subjects is the Russian language. We live in Russia so we must know our native language clearly. As we all know, Maths is also very important subject. We use our computing abilities in everyday life and we certainly need it to know.
After all, I can suppose that every of the subjects is important for one or another pupil, but the most important are the Russian language and Mathematics
Choose the correct answer.
Stamford is the village I grew up.
where b) who c) which d) whose
That’s the referee bad decision caused us to lose the last match.
who b)whose c) whom d) which
Tom’s poor health was the main reason he gave up his job.
why b) which c) where d) whose
Cornwall was the place we always used to spend our holidays.
which b) when c) that d) where
The player scored the most goals is the best player on the team.
whose b) who c) when d) which
‘Superman Returns’ is the best film I have ever seen, is now out on DVD.
when b) who c) which d) that
That was the summer I got my driving license.
where b) when c) which d) why
a. When i was ten i used to being a clever - Когда мне было десять, я был(а) умным
b. When i was ten i used to clean the dishes - Когда мне было десять я мыл(а) посуду
c. When i was ten i used to go to theatre with my parents - Когда мне было десять, я ходил(а) в театр со своими родителями
d. When i was ten i used to read a Harry Potter - Когда мне было десять я читал(а) Гарри Поттера
e. When i was ten i used to start to listening Twenty One Pilots music - Когда мне было десять, я начал(а) слушать музыку Twenty One Pilots (прекрасная музыкальная группа, советую)
a. When i was seven i used to go to the cinema to watch the movies - Когда мне было семь я ходил(а) в кинотеатр посмотреть мультики
b. When i was seven i used to go to the school at the first time - Когда мне было семь я пошел(пошла) в школу в первый раз
c. When i was seven i used to meet my really good friend - Когда мне было семь я встретил(а) моего очень хорошего друга
d. When i was seven i used to read books by myself - Когда мне было семь, я начал(а) читать книги сам(а)
e. When i was seven i used to understand dad s jokes. - Когда мне было семь, я начал(а) понимать шутки папы