Whenever I feel overwhelmed or worn out, I go to my room. If I need a break or just some time to myself, you can find me there too. It is not like any other room in the house. It is where I feel most safe and comfortable. Where I can always be myself . It is a room that belongs to me. It may look like all the other rooms in the house but, my room is above them all. It is just perfect for me. It is a small place, about 12 feet by 18 feet, with a desk, a dresser, a closet, and of course, a bed. There is always a light scent of vanilla from a candle that I burn sometimes when I want to relax. The walls are painted a very pale blue with a subtle pattern in dark blue. In the middle of the room lies my …show more content…
Every morning, before I get up, I look outside the window to see what sort of day it will be. Although beds are generally for sleeping on, it has many other uses too. I always do my reading lying across the bed. Sometimes I lie down on it and do absolutely nothing, except day dream, sometimes for hours. My bed is the first thing my family and friends assemble on when they visit my room. It is the place where we chat and engage in conversation. Right next to my bed is my desk It is made of a beautiful type of maple. It is gray, my favorite color, and contains three big drawers. The drawers are completely filled with possessions I have kept over the years. I always enjoy going through them. Usually, I find really old toys I used to play with when I was younger. Sometimes, when I am lucky,
I even find some money. My mother always scolds me about my messy drawers. She says it should have been cleaned up long ago, but I could never bring myself to do it. Going through my drawers would not be the same if they were clean and organized. Across my desk, is my dresser. It too is gray and made out of the same maple the desk is. Attached to it is a big round mirror. All around the mirror are pictures.
Pictures, old and new, of friends, family, and places I have visited. I just love looking through each of the pictures and remembering good times. It has become a piece of
It’s very important to choose the right food nowadays. healthy and balanced diet is useful for every person. we depend on food as well as the cars depend on gas, for example. it’s our natural fuel, which gives our body physical strength and health. when the body is healthy, the mind will also be healthy. different types of food contain different nutrients for our body. some supply us with carbohydrates, some with proteins or fats, some with vitamins and minerals, etc. many people think that fat is bad for people and they try to cut down on it. there is even a special line of products, called low-fat. the problem is that we do need some kinds of fat, but the saturated fats from animal products, like red meat, butter and cheese, can be really bad for health. friendly fats can be found in avocados, nuts and seeds, olives and tuna fish, and in some other products. some people cut down on too much sugar and salt, which is also a good idea. one of the healthiest types of food is fruit and vegetables. such organic products can be only useful if they don’t contain any chemicals and additives, which has become a common phenomenon in modern supermarkets. more and more people tend to grow fruit and vegetables in their own gardens, instead of buying them. another problem is modified food. it’s much cheaper than ordinary food, which is why people often buy it. from the other hand, modified food can lead to dangerous diseases. the food people eat depends a lot on their culture, religion, beliefs, health and other factors. however, some rules are common for everyone. they are: less fat, sugar and salt; and more water, vitamins, fresh fruit and vegetables.
Что тут нужно заделать? ? ! меня зовут боб, боб уилсон. мои каникулы начались вчера. это был замечательный день. я встал рано утром. погода была чудесная. я был счастлив! я пошел в ванную и принял душ. я оделся и пошел к кухня. моя мать дала мне завтрак - некоторые салат, каши и бутерброд с ветчиной. я пил кофе с молоко и был готов к моему утренняя прогулка с моим друзья. мы все были free1 - ни одна школа, ни один classes.we не встретил на автобусной остановке в девять часов и пошел в кино. был хороший фильм, и мы все хотели видеть его. это было "агент [eɪʤənt] колин на museum1". фильм начался в 9.30. мы сели на автобус и приехал в кинотеатре вовремя. фильм был замечательный. нам всем понравилось. после фильма мы пошли в кафе возле кинотеатра и имел обед там. мы все были голодны. мы взяли овощной пиццу, потом пили яблочный, томатный и апельсиновый сок и ели мороженое. мы наслаждались нашей едой много. после обеда мы пошли в парк и хорошо провели время там верхом на велосипедах. 1) боб был рано. 2) погода была противная. 3) мать мальчика дал ему завтрак. 4) боб имел кашу на завтрак. 5) боб позавтракал со своими друзьями. 6) боб и его друзья встретились в кино. 7) друзья ходили в кино. 8) после фильма друзья были голодны. 9) у них был обед в кафе. 10) после обеда они пошли домой.
Whenever I feel overwhelmed or worn out, I go to my room. If I need a break or just some time to myself, you can find me there too. It is not like any other room in the house. It is where I feel most safe and comfortable. Where I can always be myself . It is a room that belongs to me. It may look like all the other rooms in the house but, my room is above them all. It is just perfect for me. It is a small place, about 12 feet by 18 feet, with a desk, a dresser, a closet, and of course, a bed. There is always a light scent of vanilla from a candle that I burn sometimes when I want to relax. The walls are painted a very pale blue with a subtle pattern in dark blue. In the middle of the room lies my …show more content…
Every morning, before I get up, I look outside the window to see what sort of day it will be. Although beds are generally for sleeping on, it has many other uses too. I always do my reading lying across the bed. Sometimes I lie down on it and do absolutely nothing, except day dream, sometimes for hours. My bed is the first thing my family and friends assemble on when they visit my room. It is the place where we chat and engage in conversation. Right next to my bed is my desk It is made of a beautiful type of maple. It is gray, my favorite color, and contains three big drawers. The drawers are completely filled with possessions I have kept over the years. I always enjoy going through them. Usually, I find really old toys I used to play with when I was younger. Sometimes, when I am lucky,
I even find some money. My mother always scolds me about my messy drawers. She says it should have been cleaned up long ago, but I could never bring myself to do it. Going through my drawers would not be the same if they were clean and organized. Across my desk, is my dresser. It too is gray and made out of the same maple the desk is. Attached to it is a big round mirror. All around the mirror are pictures.
Pictures, old and new, of friends, family, and places I have visited. I just love looking through each of the pictures and remembering good times. It has become a piece of
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