I don't have a particular style of dress. On ordinary days, I prefer to wear jeans or simple pants, with some kind of T-shirt or sweater. For example, in the fall, I prefer black or blue pants with some kind of milky or gray sweater. My style doesn't change in winter. It is the same as the autumn one. Dark trousers and possibly a blouse, but a cardigan on top. In the spring, it gets warm and you can wear anything. I like to wear dresses in different colors. Skirts, I rarely wear. Only to school. In the summer, I wear shorts and a tank top. Or maybe jeans. My favorite shoes are sneakers. But, I wear them only in dry weather. To school, I usually wear black pants and a white blouse. From above, I can wear a sweater. As for shoes I like ballet flats. My style is not defiant. It is ordinary. But I personally like it very much.
I have always loved all kinds of ball games. In school we were taught many games, told rules and strategies. I did not hesitate and immediately realized that volleyball is one of the most interesting games.
I like that the game involved two teams, like many sports games with the ball. The contrast with football is that the team plays as a whole. There is no such a big field, so the players can support you at any time.
Other pluses of this game are the rules. All is simple and clear: two teams with the main task to score a goal for the opponents. In the volleyball game there are no permanent roles and responsibilities. Each team player is able to stand in different areas of the field: near the net, in the center and at the pitcher's.
I love this game because it is relatively quiet. During the game there is no time to be distracted, you're always focused on the ball and on the actions of the opponent. Despite the fact that this game doesn't require big calculations and need to run across the field from side to side, all the muscles of your body are still tense. Of course, in the first place are your hands. They are always in tension, ready to take the blow of the opponent. But feet are also involved in the game, because you jump very often.
I spend hours watching as the ball hovers in the air, and players are struggling to get it. The game itself looks very aesthetically pleasing and graceful. All the movements are perfect, balanced. When the ball touches a player's hand, it flies away from the hand, emitting a dull sound.
My favourite sport is volleyball. It develops in me many qualities such as precision, restraint and balance. And what is most important, after each game I feel stronger. Because sport is movement and movement is our life.
1-a 3-b 5-а
2-a 4-c 6-a
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