ответ: Our life is impossible without TV. Just think, how many actors and actresses in the world? Today is the profession of an actor plays a big role in the cultural life of every person. We all love to watch movies or visit theatres. Also about transfers, everyday more than million people watch TV. Find out what happened in their country or abroad. In every country on television show on a lot of programs. It can be news channels ,nature channels, baby channela and many others. Just think about, how people can lives without all this? You're right. No one can't without it.
Мы узнаем больше о Марсе с роверов. Это роботы с колесами, и два американских ровера, Opportunity и Curiosity, уже есть. Они исследуют и отправляют информацию на Землю для изучения учеными. Скоро на Марсе наступит час пик, поскольку европейский и российский вездеходы и третий американский марсоход скоро присоединятся к Opportunity and Curiosity. Конечно, мечта многих людей - отправить людей на Марс. Американское космическое агентство НАСА планирует сделать это в 2030-х годах. Астронавтам будет непросто, так как им придется провести почти три года с Земли, но это того стоит. Нил Армстронг совершил «один гигантский прыжок для человечества». Первый космонавт на Марсе станет еще лучше.
ответ: Our life is impossible without TV. Just think, how many actors and actresses in the world? Today is the profession of an actor plays a big role in the cultural life of every person. We all love to watch movies or visit theatres. Also about transfers, everyday more than million people watch TV. Find out what happened in their country or abroad. In every country on television show on a lot of programs. It can be news channels ,nature channels, baby channela and many others. Just think about, how people can lives without all this? You're right. No one can't without it.