1. What's your name? — My name is Ann. 2. What's your address? — My address is 45 Oxford Street. 3. Where are you from? — I'm from London. 4. Who is he (in this photograph?) — He is my father. 5. What is his name? — His name is John. 6. Where is he? — He is in London. 7. I am Lena and this is Nick. He is my brother. He is ten (years old) and I am twelve (years old). We are from St. Petersburg. 8. I am a pupil. I am at school. 9. My brother is a painter. He is not an engineer. 10. My sister is at work. She is a doctor. 11. He is a student. 12. Are you a student? — No, I am a doctor. 13. My sister is at home. 14. We are not at school. We are at home. 15. My brother is a pupil. He is at school. 16. Is your mother at home? — No, she is at work. 17. Is your cousin at home? — No, he is at school. He is a pupil. 18. Is your sister a teacher? — No, she is a student. 19. Is your father at work? — No, he is at home. 20. Is your sister a typist? — Yes, she is. — Is she at home? — No, she is at work. 21. My grandfather is a scientist. 22. My mother is not a teacher. She is a doctor.
Find 3 формы глагола первая форма глагола find — find вторая форма глагола find — found третья форма глагола find — found 1.Я нашел свои ключи вчера 2.Я нахожу эту книгу интересной 3.Мы нашли друг друга 4. Подберите мне сумку к моему пальто 5. Вдруг я очутился в лесу 6. Я собираюсь позвонить в кино, чтобы выяснить, во сколько начинается фильм. Перевод предложений на английский язык: 1.I found my keys yesterday 2. I find this book interesting 3. We found each other 4. Find a bag to match to my coat 5. Suddenly I found myself in the wood 6. I'm going to call the cinema to find out what time the film starts. Остальные 3 придумай сам
Можно сделать примерно как-то так.