Відповідь: a) We went to the zoo yesterday, the most
the largest zoo in the country. I can not
give it a pleasure. Everywhere
there were inscriptions not to walk on the grass ","
I wanted to feed the animals with a photo
feat the most beautiful animals, but I do not
could come close because there was
a lot of people. Some of the animals were asleep, and
some were not very friendly. we
couldn’t have a picnic because there wasn’t
there was room for that. Yesterday was
sunday and there were many
little children. They made noise and shouted. IN
next weekend I will go to the forest. I think
it's a brilliant idea. There is no need to think in the forest
about a lot of rules.
Пояснення:надеюсь )
1. You can travel from London to Paris by train. It takes about two hours and a half.
2. Have you ever travelled by sea? It's very romantic, isn't it?
3. What age can people drive a car in your country? (предлог не нужен)
4. While travelling through the desert we suffered from a desperate shortage of water.
5. I wish I could afford a tour round the world one day.
6 Jack told us about his long journey across the ocean. it was a great adventure!
7. I dont't have any sense of direction. I always use my GPS device.
The word Christmas originates from the words Christ's Mass. In old English it was referred to as Cristesmæsse, which literally means 'Christian Mass'.
A common figure known throughout the world and associated with Christmas is Santa Claus. Other popular Christmas figures include Christkind, Saint Nicholas, and Father Christmas.
Anglo-Saxons referred to the holiday as 'midwinter' or 'nativity'.
The word Noel entered the English language in the late 1300s. It originated from the Latin word 'natalis' which means 'day of birth'.
Christmas decorations that are popular today include Christmas trees, Christmas lights, wreaths, garland, holly, mistletoe, and nativity scenes.
Christmas lights were invented in 1882 by Edward Johnson.
The first evidence of a Christmas tree is from a pamphlet that dates back to 1570.
In order for Santa to visit all the homes on Christmas Eve he would have to visit 822 homes each second.
The tradition of hanging stockings comes from a Dutch custom. They would leave shoes full of food for St. Nicolas' donkeys and St. Nicholas would then leave small gifts in return.
12th century nuns left socks full of nuts, fruit and tangerines at the doors of the poor. This is where the tradition of putting tangerines in stockings came from.