My mother is very busy. Моя мама очень занятая.
She works a lot. Она много работает.
She is very tired in the evening. По вечерам она очень уставшая.
I love her and I help her. Я люблю ее и ей.
I clean my room.Я убираюсь в своей комнате.
Every day I wash the dishes after lunch and supper. Каждый день после обеда и ужина я мою посуду.
Sometimes I cook or help my mother to cook Иногда я готовлю или маме готовить.
Every Sunday we clean our flat. Каждое воскресенье мы убираемся в квартире.
I vacuum the carpets. Я чищу ковры пылесосом.
I wash the floor. Я мою пол.
I sweep the floor. Я подметаю пол.
I dust the furniture. Я протираю пыль на мебели.
I go shopping to buy food. Я хожу в магазин за продуктами.
I water all flowers in our flat. Я поливаю все цветы в квартире.
1. Derek said that I could leave my things in that wardrobe if I liked to.
2.Beth said ," We are leaving tomorrow ".
3.Bea told Ted that it wasn't far from there to his office.
4. Evan told the police officer," I haven't seen the robbery this morning".
5. Hannah said that they must be patient.
6 Nanette told lan that she had been to that restaurant once before.
7 Miguel said,"Gloria , I haven't liked the film but I've enjoyed the book.
8 Eva said she might have left the bag on the bus that morning.
9 Alan said ,"We ought to get some flowers for Penny's birthday."
10.Lydia told her mother that she wouldn't be gone long.
All cuisines of different countries. My daily diet begins with a light breakfast. This can be oatmeal with toast and tea or just a slice of bread with peanut butter and tea. At school I eating a apple or a bun. When I come home from school, I complete meal porridge and soup which -any fruit. I did not have dinner fat fish or steak. I love healthy food.
У всех странах кухня разная. Мой дневной рацион питания начинается с легкого завтрака .Это может быть овсяная каша с тостом и чай или просто ломтик хлеба с ореховым маслом и чай .В школе я могу съесть яблоко или булочку .Когда я прихожу со школы у меня полноценный обед суп каша и какой-нибудь фрукт . Ужинаю я не жирной рыбой или стейком . Я люблю здоровую пищу.