1) How do I get to the bank?
2) Turn left at the traffic lights
3) It will be on the right
4) The store will be across the street from the police station
5) Find it will be easy
Искусство - это нечто возвышенное и прекрасное, что человеку познавать всю красоту этого мира. Это и картины, и скульптуры, и архитектура, и кинофильмы, и особенно музыка и литература.
Некоторые люди не понимают искусства и предпочитают жить реальной жизнью, запутываясь в бытовых проблемах. Такие люди обречены на пустое существование, ведь для них недоступны такие понятия как красота природы, переливание красок или звучание скрипки. Для них все это просто не важно. Гораздо важнее, по их мнению, уделять время науке и работе.
Другие считают искусство главным достоянием человека, и не могут без него существовать. Такие люди приходят в восторг, как только видят первое издание старинной книги или оригинальное полотно самого Винсента Ван Гога.
Art is something sublime and beautiful, which helps a person to know all the beauty of this world. These are paintings, sculptures, architecture, films, and especially music and literature.
some people do not understand art and prefer to live a real life, entangled in everyday problems. .such people are doomed to an empty existence, for such concepts as the beauty of nature, the transfusion of colors or the sound of a violin are inaccessible to them. For them, all this is simply not important. It is much more important, in their opinion, to devote time to science and work.
others consider art to be the main asset of man, and cannot exist without it. Such people are delighted as soon as they see the first edition of an old book or the original canvas of Vincent Van Gogh himself.
1. Looking at the picture and thinking, I suggested that this is the ability to cope with the technique at work. But after reading, the text realized that we were talking about work. Portfolio work in which there is no employer and no power over you.
2. In production, in a consulting company, in the field of education and medicine it is possible in the service sector.
3. There is no permanent employer, no power, no need to work every day and get up early, but will there be constant stress whether the work that can be done will be written down and planned a lot every minute.
1. How can I get to the bank?
2. Turn left at the traffic.
3. It will be to the right.
4. The shop will be across the road from the police station.
5. It'll be easy to find.