13. Where did you put the newspaper? 14. The new school has begun working last year. 15. Have you read all the books on this shelf? 16. I haven't seen my cousing since last year. 17. Why did you put these things in the wrong place? 18. Why did you leave the door open?. 19 We haven't met for such a long time! And we both have grown. 20. What books did you read when you lived in the country? 21. They haven't came from the south yet. 22. He was ill last week but now he has recovered. 23. If everybody have read this new nove, let's discuss it. 24. Have you booked tickets? - Yes, I have. I have booked them several days ago 25. I can hardly recognise you I haven't seen you since you left for Moscow. And you have changed so much.
13. Where have you put the newspaper? Present Perfect, спрашивают о результате. I want to read it, but cannot find it anywhere.
14. The new school began working last year. Past Simple, last year
15. Have you read all the books on the shelf? Present Perfect, спрашивают о результате.
16. I haven't seen my cousin since last year. Present Perfect- перед since, после since- Past Simple.
17. Why have you put these things in the wrong place? Спрашив.о результате, неважно, когда произошло действие.
18. Why have you left the door open ? You will catch cold ... Present Perfect, результат.
19. "We haven't met for such a long time! " said my friend. "Yes, indeed," I answered "and we both have grown". Present Perfect.
20. What books did you read when you lived in the country? Past Simple, спрашивают о (when...)
21. They haven't come from the south yet. Present Perfect - yet
22. He was ill last week but now he has recovered.Padt Simple-last ..., Present Perfect - действие свершилось, но: now.
23. If everybody has read this new novel, let's discuss it. Present Perfect.
24. Have you booked tickets? Yes, I have. Present Perfect- cпросили о результате, не указано время выполнения. I booked them several days ago. Past Simple, указано, когда действие было.
25. I can hardly recognize you. I haven't seen you since you left for Moscow. Present Perfect - перед since, Past Perfect- после since .- And you have changed so much . Present Perfect, результат.
1. hi [хай] - привет 2. hello [хэлОу] - здравствуйте, привет 3. sorry [сOри] - извини (те) 4. please [пли:з угождать 5. thank you [сэнк ю ю: а уЭлкэм не за что 7. what a pity [уот э пИти]- как жаль 8. (good)bye [(гуд)бAй]- до свидания 9. people [пи:пл] - люди 10. man [мэн] - мужчина (мн.ч. men [мен]) 11. woman [уУмэн] - женщина (мн.ч. women [уИмин]) 12. child [чайлд] - ребенок (мн.ч. children [чИлдрэн]) 13. boy [бой] - мальчик 14. girl [гё:рл] - девочка 15. guy [гай] - парень 16. friend [фрэнд] - друг 17. acquaintance [экуЭйнтэнс] - знакомый; знакомство 18. neighbor [нЭйбэр] - сосед 19. guest [гэст] - гость 20. chief [чи:ф] - начальник; шеф; главный; вождь 21. boss [бос] - босс 22. competitor [кэмпЭтитэр] - конкурент, соперник 23. client [клАйэнт] - клиент 24. colleague [кОли:г] - коллега 25. family [фЭмили] - семья 26. parents [пЭэрэнтс] - родители 27. father [фА:зэр] - отец 28. dad (dy) [дЭд (и)] - папа 29. mother [мАзэр] - мать 30. mum (my) [мам (и)] - мама 31. husband [хАзбэнд] - муж 32. wife [уАйф] - жена 33. son [сан] - сын 34. daughter [дО:тэр] - дочь 35. brother [брАзэр] - брат 36. sister [сИстэр] - сестра 37. grandfather [грЭнфА:зэр] - дед … 38. father-in-law [фА:зэр ин лО:] - тесть, свекор … 39. uncle [анкл] - дядя 40. aunt [а:нт] - тетя 41. cousin [казн] - двоюродный брат, двоюродная сестра 42. nephew [нЭфъю:] - племянник 43. niece [ни:с] - племянница 44. job [джоб] - работа