The Earth is a relatively small celestial object. It is the third planet orbiting an average star, our Sun, located in the Orion arm, sometimes called the Orion Spur; it is a minor arm located in between the Sagittarius Arm and the Perseus arm of the Milky Way, a barred spiral galaxy. Our solar system orbits the central bulge of our galaxy at a radius of 1.7 billion AU and our period of galactic revolution is 230 million years at a tangential velocity of 828,000 km/hr relative to the center. Our solar system has one main sequence star, 4 inner rocky planets, the asteroid belt, 4 outer large gaseous planets, the Kuiper Belt of small icy objects, and the outermost Oort Cloud of icy objects made of water, ammonia, and methane. It extends from…show more content…
The supernova process generates elements more massive than iron, like the heavier elements we find within our solar system, and ejects them.
1. phoned; started; happened; didn't want; decided; remembered; continue; didn't listen
2. had; drived; got; didn't find; didn't know; found; stayed; saw; went; bought
1. is
2. are
3. is
4. is
5. is
6. are
1. Were there a lot of flowers in the garden? There weren't a lot of flowers in the garden.
2. Was there an apple-tree in the garden? There wasn't an apple-tree in the garden.
3. Were there a lot of chickens on the farm? There weren't a lot of chickens on the farm.
4. Were there many sheep on the farm? There weren't many sheep on the farm.
5. Was there a table at the window? There wasn't a table at the window.
6. Was there a bus stop here? There wasn't a bus stop here.
1. There isn't an apple on the table. Is there an apple on the table?
2. There isn't a banana on the table. Is there a banana on the table?
3. There isn't a sausage on the table. Is there a sausage on the table?
4. There isn't a pear on the table. Is there a pear on the table?
5. There isn't an orange on the table. Is there an orange on the table?
6. There isn't a bread roll on the table. Is there a bread rol on the table?
7. There isn't a biscuit on the table. Is there a biscuit on the table?
8. There isn't an egg on the table. Is there an egg on the table?
9. There isn't a cucumber on the table. Is there a cucumber on the table?
10. There isn't a tomato on the table. Is there a tomato on the table?
1. There are
2. There is
3. There are
4. There is
5. There are
6. There are
7. There is
8. There are
9. There are
1. have to
2. have to
3. have to
4. have to
5. must
6. must
7. must
8. don't have to
9. have to
10. must