Past Simple- 1 I cooked chicken yesterday. 2 It was warm and sunny outside. 3 You did it. 4 He broke his leg on Monday. 5 We bought tickets for the cinema.-
Future Simple-1 He will play hockey tomorrow. 2Angela will write a letter for her cousin. 3 She will win that competition next year. 4 I will spend my holidays with friends. 5 I hope he will be there.
Present Simple- 1.I love my family very much. 2. He swims at school every day.
3. We usually watch "Game of Trones". 4 Your granny cooks delicious borshch.
5. Sometimes they ride a bike early in the morning.
Past Continuous- 1 In the evening I wasn’t watching TV- 2 We weren't sitting there fat 5 o'clock. 3 He was dancing with me and it was great. 4When you called I was taking shower. 5. Our friend Michael was waiting when rain started.
timelunch, время ланча