I didn't want to go home. I really didn’t want to go home! My holiday in Barbados had been my best holiday ever and I was sitting at the airport, waiting for my flight home, feeling very depressed. Why couldn’t I stay just one more day?
‘Passengers for Flight 20? to London, please board now,’ a voice came from the loudspeaker. Unhappily, I picked up my case and got on the plane behind my parents. Unbelievably, they were looking forward to getting back. Can you imagine that?
We sat in the plane, waiting to take off for about an hour. People were starting to whisper about the lengthy delay. Then we all heard the pilot’s voice: ‘Unfortunately, we have some engine trouble and we can't take off this afternoon,' he said. 'We are arranging overnight accommodation at the Tree Tops Hotel for all passengers.'
I couldn’t believe it. 'Yes!' I shouted loudly. My wlsh had come true. I had one more day and I was going to stay in the best hotel in the area!
1 Will people have space holidays in my lifetime? - No, they won't
2 Will your family go camping in the holidays? - Yes, they will.
3 Will our class go on a day trip soon? - I don't think so.
4 Are you going to visit the USA next year? - I am not sure. Maybe I will visit the USA one day.
5 will you travel around the world in a few years' time? - Yes, I will
6 Are you going to buy a private jet one day? - I am going to buy it when I have enough money.
7 Will people travel to other planets soon? - No, they will not.
Christmas is one of the most important holidays in Christianity. A lot of people consider that Jesus Christ was born on this day many years ago. It’s a sacred festival that’s why orthodox believers gather in the churches to attend the feast rite on Christmas.
My whole family celebrates this feast: mother, father, my younger sister and I. My grandmother and grandfather very seldom visit us. We sit down to the festive table and light the candles at midnight. Everybody is always in a good mood. After the feast a week comes when we can tell fortunes. Every year my friends and I look in the mirror for our intended at night but we understand that it’s impossible to see our fate in a mirror. But anyway we believe that enchantment will happen.
But in other countries Christmas is celebrated in a different way. For example in the USA Christmas day is celebrated on December 25. On this day they decorate a Christmas tree and give presents to each other. All children wait for Santa Claus who will come in sleigh and give presents.
I like this feast very much because it inspires people with belief in the reality of miracles. Birth of Jesus Christ is the most important miracle for believers. This feast goes back to the earliest of times and it will never be forgotten.