I would like to speak about my favourite writer. His name is Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin. Alexander Pushkin was a Russian poet, novelist, playwright of the Romantic era. One of Russia's greatest poets, he is known as the father of modern Russian literature. He was born in Moscow on May 26, 1799. He attended the Lyceum from 1811 to 1817 and received the best education available in Russia at the time. He was first published in the journal The Messenger of Europe in 1814. Pushkin was married to Natalia Goncharova on February 18, 1831, in Moscow. She was very beautiful. Alexandr Pushkin's most popular book is Eugene Onegin. He had written so many books such as "The Captain's Daughter", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Ruslan and Ludmila", "Fairy Tales".
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I would like to speak about my favourite writer. His name is Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin. Alexander Pushkin was a Russian poet, novelist, playwright of the Romantic era. One of Russia's greatest poets, he is known as the father of modern Russian literature. He was born in Moscow on May 26, 1799. He attended the Lyceum from 1811 to 1817 and received the best education available in Russia at the time. He was first published in the journal The Messenger of Europe in 1814. Pushkin was married to Natalia Goncharova on February 18, 1831, in Moscow. She was very beautiful. Alexandr Pushkin's most popular book is Eugene Onegin. He had written so many books such as "The Captain's Daughter", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Ruslan and Ludmila", "Fairy Tales".
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Главная корма для страны. . Бешбармак-мясо егальное подвешенное б9л. . Потому что бешбармак назывался, в) древние казахи съели пять пальцев. . Жумагалиев, карта,жал, выдавались-это закуски из мяса. . Кумыс-напиток, приготовленный из теплого молока несколько дней.. Кефир готовят варенным коровьего молока. . Из творога кефира делается червь, расплавленный, начиная с его кислого вкуса.. Священный хлеб казахов Желпек, его содержание обязательно должно быть не менее семи.. Баурсаки-раскинутый кумыс, обжаривают на жидком масле.
Home feed for the country. . Beshbarmak-meat legal limbo б9л. . Because beshbarmak was called, C) the ancient Kazakhs ate five fingers. . Zhumagaliyev, map,shook, stood out-it's meat snacks. . Koumiss is a drink made from warm milk for several days.. Kefir is cooked with boiled cow's milk. . Cottage cheese yogurt is a worm, molten beginning with its sour taste.. The Holy bread of the Kazakhs, Jalpak, its content must be at least seven.. Baursaks-spread Mare's milk, fried in liquid oil.