напишите второе предложение, чтобы оно имело значение, аналогичное первому. используйте слово в скобках.
► сьюзен была в зеленом платье. (носить)
сьюзен была одета в зеленое платье.
врач начал работать в шесть часов и все еще работает, (имеет)
у руперта не было своей кредитной карты (забыто)
я не хотел идти без фотографирования, (пока)
нэнси пишет отчет. это закончено сейчас. (письменно)
мое ожидание в очереди до сих пор длилось сорок минут. (я)
когда мы приехали, все были на танцполе (танцы)
компьютер был моим в течение четырех лет, (имел)
в середине нашего обеда раздался стук в дверь (когда)
найджелу стало плохо от того, что он съел слишком много тортов (потому что)
1) Complex Object Fill in to or -.
1. I'd like you to join our game.
2. He doesn't want me to go out, it's too cold.
3. My parents don't let me (-) sit up late.
4. The pupils didn't cope with the test, were made to rewrite it.
5. I heard Nick (-) leave the room quietly.
6. Have you ever seen a monkey (-) teasing?
7. Ann is allowed to rewrite the test.
8. The teacher noticed Maggie (-) take her neighbour's notebook.
9. We would like the trade between our counries to develop.
10. He was made to earn his living at the age of fourteen.
11. Let Mary (-) put on her smart clothes and (-) go to the theatre with us.
2) Complete the sentences.
1. I would like you to finish it.
2. We saw Ann cross the street.
3. Mother expected me to come early.
4. Father let us play.
3) Write what George had done by the end of the summer. Use the word combinations below.
1. George was told to write five poems.
2. George managed to catch 28 fish.
3. George wanted to learn to ride a bike.
4. George didn't want to read 12 books.
5. George decided to teach his younger brother to play on the computer.
4) Put the verbs into the correct form, Past Perfect or Past Simple.
1. I had finished the work by 5 o'clock.
2. Last summer we went to the country.
3. The teacher understood that Lena had not done the task.
4. When Mum came home, I had already bought bread.
5. Mike gave me the letter which he had gotten the day before.
За сделано 25 предложений.