1. I have to go to school every day.
2. You have to wear uniform at work.
3. He has to do homework.
4. It has to be useful.
5. They have to pay for education.
Summer of -это the most wonderful season from all,because in summer at each of us heap of time,we can conduct them with native,to make,merry to visit wonderful places etc
But,the summer I conducted 70 on 30 .I whole days was at a home,saw different films,clips and certainly did cleaning up cleaning up cleaning up cleaning up! Only,that a summer made me happy to these -это arrival of my best friend from Moscow,she arrived in July and we went to go,for a walk with us yet there was our general friend .We pleasantly spent time recklessly .I think,it I will never forget !
I went out only in a court and that with the disobedient brothers .Yes, a прекрассноее summer,is eventual
and yet plus in,that this summer I chummed in with very good people and removed from some .knew what they .That be all ! But I wait a next summer however
1. You have to clean you teeth twice a day.
2. He has to work on Sundays.
3. We have to clean the house at the weekend.
4. I have to study English.
5. She has to stop smoking.